Tuesday, May 29, 2007


12-13 May, 2007, Berlin: Loud Graphix.
Sport, Music and Art collide.

Thanks Paolino!!!!!


Special feature over Honeyee. Interesting. Have a look!

New NIke ADs...

What if Terry Richardson meets Nike? That's the result.
Info and pics via the great blog by xymon.


Check this huge collection of customised Vader helmets.
Just seen on how it happened.


Another time in the always WONDERFUL Big Smoke. This time with all the family, Little Leo included. All has gone perfectly: BIG UP to Niranjela, Kohei and SuperWES @ FP for the patience and the endless kindness and Big Up to Richard The Man of The Hideout. Fats and Tommy, hope next time will be the right one!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"... BiKEs haVE bEComE tHE “new” sKATeboARDs..."

SlamxHype met Erik Brunetti, the PURE GENIUS behind Fuct. Let's go and read the interesting interview here. Big Up to Erik Brunetti from all the UC crew.

ROJO®artspace | Barcelona

ROJO® opens thursday 31.05.2007 a new multifunctional creative space at Eixample in the heart of Barcelona. Located in C/Girona 61, only few meters away from "L4 Girona" tube station. 175m2 distributed in three different spaces, dedicated exclusively to the promotion of the arts and the creativity. A vanguard space that will program monthly exhibitions and audio-visual events of international artists, and that will serve as neuralgic center for the events and public presentations of the new printed issues and special ROJO® projects.

31.05.2007 | OPENING | 19.30h-22.30h

Friday, May 18, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


It's impressive to see how Os Gemeos, Nina and Pandolfo worked at the old Kelburn Castle... Just three letters: WOW!

SaVe The DAte: VINtaGe RUNNing @ ColeTTe

If you are around Paris next 21th of May, don't miss the chance to get to Colette and cop a pair of the tremendous Nike Vintage Running. The LD 1000 ones are TERRIFIC. They wort that money. Trust us. ;-)


Check it out.

Friday, May 11, 2007

NikE BliPS

Check the Perish Factory's site for these three crazy videos...

Info via roblobster thread at CT Nike's Forum.

FIt SOnG, by CORNEliUs

FIT SONG: The new Cornelius Video by Koichiro Tsujikawa. What do you think about that? We love it.