Saturday, September 29, 2007

SaVe The DAte: SwERve FESTivaL, L.A.

If you're around LA tomorrow, don't miss the chance to get to the Swerve Festival. An impressive line-up of events, artists and films, included the italian DeFuMo.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

J O U R N E Y by Mode2

If you are now in London, you can't miss this out: an huge art installation is on at Trafalgar Square.
It's in support of the Helen Bamber Foundation and it features seven designed containers that illustrate the seven brutal stages experienced by a trafficked woman: Hope, The Journey, The Uniform, The Bedroom, The Customer, The Stigma & Resurrection. The Journey ones have been designed by Mode2.
Thanks to Fats for the info and pics. Check all the other pics over his blog at HypeBeast.

BeaUtiFUL LoSerS, ThE TraiLeR

Beautiful Losers, a milestone for the so called "Street Culture" turns into a movie. Check BlackLake for the Trailer.
Info via SlamxHype.


Just seen at Random Ramblings.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Com.Raid is one of the most interesting brand we've seen lately. To celebrate the 1st Anniversary of World NYC, the guys behind Com.Raid have designed a special t-shirt, (ultra limited, just 40 pieces), that is amazing. Check it out at the WorldNYC's site. Well done!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A TriButE TO BAlaNcE

Do you like listening to good music? A Tribute To Balance by Acyde.


Tons of amazing new stuff has just arrived at one of our fave online store: FUSShop. Check it out!!!

Thanks to Sam for the info.

PhiL FrOSt at ELms LEstERs

Check the SuperTouch Blog
for the last feature about Phil Frost's latest Exhibition at Elms Lesters, London, called "Small Medium and Large" that will be on next 5th of October. VIVA PHIL!!!

Thanks to SlamxHype for the info.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Levi'S X STuSSy

Grazie a AB per questa interessantissima preview. Sembra proprio che quest'anno Levi's e Stüssy ci regaleranno una nuova collabo. Molto curiosi di vedere cosa salterà fuori....
Thanks to AB for this preview. It seems that Stüssy and Levi's will collaborate once again. We're so damn curious...


Senza parole. Bravo Blu!!!

SomeTHing NEw iN tHe WaY: SlamXHype

Get ready: the new site is coming...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

YuM YuM NeW REleAseS

Novità in arrivo, in casa YumYum. Le nuove releases sembrano davvero belle. Bravibravi!
Our dear friends at YumYum send us this new pics regarding their new upcoming releases. Well done guys!

More info and pics here.


Alakazam Label is pure freshness. Check their style and graphics: we love them!!!

Thanks to k for the info.


We are so damn curious to know more about these new Nike Woven that we've just seen at the Mr. Fraser Cooke's blog at Clot. Check it out there for more pics.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

pHilOsopHy ZinE #4

The fourth, and maybe last... :-( , issue of Philosophy is out now. As we already wrote long time ago, Philosophy is one of the few publications that we've loved, since the first time we got it on our hands almost a couple of years ago. Hope we'll be able to get this issue when it'll be available in Europe.

Pics via BeingHunted.

Trainer of the day

Are these FBT made of horse hair? They look dope.

Info and pics via Hiroki Nakamura at Honeyee.

ToM SAChs aT GAGOSiaN GAllerY, Beverly HiLLs

Gagosian Gallery, once again, but this time not the London one but the one in Beverly Hills, California.
We've just seen this HUGE exhibition called "SPACE PROGRAM" by the astonishing artist Tom Sachs at the SuperTouch Blog. We're still shocked by this beauty and we absolutely think that Tom Sachs is pure genius.

SaVe THe DAte: POP ART is...

Pop Art Is...

September 27 - November 10, 2007

Gagosian Gallery
6-24 Britannia Street
London WC1X 9JD

More Info:
Tel 020.7841.9960 Fax 020.7841.9961
Tue-Sat 10-6
The website: Gagosian Gallery

Thanks to Daryl for the info.

Firmament StORe

Alternative crew was lucky enough to go to the Firmament Store in Berlin. The store is unbelievable and we love the stuff it sells. Check all the other pictures at the Alternative website.


You know, FUSShop is one of our fave online stores. Now you can find there the new Obey Clothing A/W '07.
Check the store for more amazing stuff! Well done mates. VIVA FUSSHOP!

NeiGHborHood onLIne SToRe

The store is now online. Check it out.

Monday, September 10, 2007