Thursday, February 08, 2007

The HidEOUt WINTER sale

Siete pronti a sgomitare e lottare per una settimana di super saldi? Se siete per Londra la settimana prossima, non potete perdervi quelli che Hideout presenterà, da Lunedì 12 a Sabato 17. Di seguito, nel testo inglese, la schedule precisa delle giornate. I prezzi saranno ridotti del 50% e i brands mi sembrano davvero invitanti. Are you ready for a week long fight? From Monday the 12th till Saturday the 17th you'll have the chance to get the stuff you like at a price reduced up to 50% off. Sounds really good. That's the schedule of the week: Monday 12th: Supreme, aNYthing, Original Fake ; Tuesday 13th: Perks and Mini, Tonite, Acronym ; Wednesday 14th: Neighborhood, W)Taps ; Thursday 15th: Neighborhood, W)Taps ; Friday 16th: UnRivaled, Head Porter Plus, Good Enough Japan ; Saturday 17th: Various brands.

Info and pics: The Hideout

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